5 Tricks for How To Maintain Your Vertical Blinds In Perth

Vertical blinds make an excellent addition to your large sliding glass doors and offer the much needed privacy when you actually require it. They’re easy to clean & take care of, and when they encounter minor damage occasionally, it is a quick fix!

Listed below are a few tricks that you can use to fix your vertical blinds in Perth if one of the slats comes loose.

Know what makes your blinds to break?

 Vertical blinds are quite sensitive to pressure. If you pull too hard or try to open them too aggressively, it’ll take a toll on the material between the hook & hole at the top of the slat. After several years of use, a few of your blind slats may require some additional support around the holes.

Buy vane savers:

These metal/plastic pieces can simply be employed as a layer for the top of the slat to restore the structure so that you can hand it back on the hook. The idea is identical to ripping a piece of paper out of a binder; one the area is restored with an adhesive ring, the paper can be fitted back into the binder. You can find these vane savers at most home improvement shops.

Use a paperclip:

If you are after DIY solutions, you can repair the structure of your vertical blind slat by employing clear tape to affix a paperclip across the top of the slat. You must be wondering how it can solve the issue. Very simple! The spiral created by the paperclip fills in the separated region of the slat, allowing it to hang once again from the hook.

Use a toothpick if you don’t have paperclips:

Toothpicks are tiny enough to fix a malfunctioning blind slat without being too visible. Break the toothpick into small units that are just large enough to fit across the broken region. Make use of super glue or clear tape to seal the toothpick & fill in the gap.

Try a hole punch:

The configuration of a vertical blind is simple to understand & imitate. The blind needs a hook to hang on & a hole to hang it on. If the hole has been compromised, it is effortless to make a new one. Simply turn the blind upside down & make use of a hole punch to make a new hole. Then, patch up the foot of the blind with a white tape and call it a day.

Vertical blinds from Gumtree Blinds are an ideal answer to both formal and casual living. Our blinds are a perfect and realistic solution for large windows and sliding glass doors. Visit our site now to know your fabric options.

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